I can not believe it is Friday already. Dustyn has been doing so good at VBS. The first three days he cried for about 5 minutes and then was fine the rest of the time. Well yesterday when I dropped him off he didn’t cry at all. I was soooo proud of him. Today is his last day and they are having a little commencement service tonight. That should be exciting.
Dusytn playing in his pool. What is new? I love how the water is in focus and Dustyn is a little out of focus.
We had to add some more water….
Somebody splashes all the water out.
Carsyn’s late 13 Month photos. Look for a review & giveaway on these soon!
This was on our way home on Sunday. The sun looked so neat. This is pretty much SOOC I just bumped up the contrast a little bit.
Here are a couple of my favorite photos from Hunter’s shoot that I have edited so far. I still have A TON to edit.
I know I shared this one on Sunday, but I wanted to share it today for Crazy Days of Summer: Yellow, for My Favorite Photo of the week and Flowers on Saturday.
Dudley’s paw for Macro Friday.
How do you all like the my new design? I THINK I am finally happy with it.
Well I hope everyone has a fantastic Friday. See you tomorrow for Project 365 Link Up.