Don’t forget to enter all NINE of the giveaways I have going on.
My photos have been lacking creativity. I am hoping now that I am not so busy I can get back to taking more creative photos. I miss all the challenges and can not wait to get back into them. For all the shots below I used Summer Haze by Willette. You can download all of her presets here.
Dustyn’s new way to swing. His hair has been crazy. I think we will shave it for the summer again.
We have been getting a little bit of rain, but honestly wish we would get more for our garden.
Carsyn has gotten good at getting stuff to his mouth. He has his 12 month appointment Wednesday. He actually grew taller to 25th%tile but didn’t gain any weight at all. The doctor wants him to start peidasure. Good thing about this is I put it in a sippy cup and he actually drank out of it. I was so happy. That means that maybe I can go out without having to worry about him starving. YAY! His doctor had never even heard of HPE, she had to look it up in her medical dictionary. I guess it is pretty rare. She feels he is on a solid 6 month level. He is getting really good at sitting and being on his hands and knees. It really is amazing seeing all his progress. Carsyn has his rehab appointment on Monday. I am looking forward to hearing what they have to say.