The other morning when we were getting Dustyn ready for school Kenny told me to get my camera because the sunrise was pretty. I think it is so awesome that he has started pointing out stuff for me to take photos of. It was pretty and I am glad I grabbed my camera real quick. It was so gorgeous and one of my favorite photos this week.
Favorite Things:
Desirae is going to have a Blogger Design eCourse. You can enter to win a slot here.
I LOVE this banner that Meagan made!
I really love this teether with rattle from Nihama. You can enter to win one here.
Julie went to Influence. Looks like she had fun. She is giving away a $15 Starbucks giftcard here.
I am sooo glad it is Friday seems like a long week. We did close on our refinance yesterday. So glad to have that lifted off my chest!! Have a wonderful weekend. Do you have any big plans?
linking up with: Give Me Your Best Shot, PhotoStory Friday, Foto Friday, Fabulous Friday, Favorite Photo Friday, Photo Friday, and Look Whooooo’s Snapping.