Just a few of my favorite shots from our Christmas.
First thing Christmas morning. Their goodies and Dustyn waking up. Love the bed head in the bottom right photo.
Dustyn opening the game he has been wanting. Poppy and Nana got it for him.
Dustyn opening some other presents.
Brotherly love. They are so cute.
Carsyn enjoying some of his new presents. That zebra is perfect size and the handles are great because he can wrap his hands around them. He does well but if he gets distracted or excited he will fall so you have to stay close.
Carsyn got this touch screen music player. It is made to look like an ipad but only has that one screen. Carsyn LOVES it.
Opening some other presents. He was so proud of himself when he unwrapped. It was slow going but he had fun.
Kenny’s keychain from the lovely Amy Cornwell. He loved it!!
My new boots and pajama pants.
Kenny setting up my new computer. YAY!! Still don’t have everything transferred over yet. Still working on it.
One of my favorite photos of the day. I love that little pointy finger out and his concentration.
Overall it was such a wonderful Christmas. I am so thankful for my husband and all that he does for us and I am very thankful for my family. They are all amazing. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.