I decided to take a few photos of Dustyn using my new backdrop yesterday and wanted to give you a few tips about getting catchlights in eyes while inside. Catchlights definitely give the eyes more dimension so they don’t just look flat and lifeless.
Catchlights In Eyes
Catchlight : a gleam of reflected light in the eye of a person or animal in a photograph.
I set the backdrop up by my big glass door on the back of the house. This was about two hours before sunset so the sun was at the back of the house.
Imagine the eye as a clock, most people say it is best to position the catchlight at 10 o’clock or 2 o’clock. I did that with all of the photos you see here. They say that it looks the most natural in that position.
I used my 24mm f/2.8 Lens. My settings were: ISO 250 | f/3.2 | 1/160 sec
If you do not have a big window for natural light you can always use a flash bounced off the ceiling or a wall. In addition if you want to you can use the big window and a reflector.
Eyes really are windows to the soul and that little glimmer can add so much to a photograph.