We received good news on Wednesday. After the not so good test results on Monday, the doctor was not hopeful. I decided that no matter what I was going to Be Happy. Well at the ultrasound on Wednesday the doctor was able to find the fetal pole and saw a flicker of a heart beat. Praise God! I was so ecstatic and the doctor was shocked, but said that blood results aren’t always correct.
Catch the Moment 365 – Week #13
85. Sunset in the sideview mirror of my van. | 86.Our washer broke last week, so we had to buy a new one. | 87. My necklace from Lisa Leonard Designs. | 88. Date night with Kenny. We ate Sushi. Yumm! | 89. Make Peanut Butter Brownie Cookies for Community Group. They were soooo good. | 90. Kenny brought me home flowers and starbucks, since my HCG blood results weren’t good. The doctor was assuming that I was having a miscarriage. 91. Extremely excited to see some Spring blooms. 92. The doctor found a fetal pole and heartbeat. We were all shocked and relieved.
Linking up with Behind the Camera & Dreaming, Simply Stavish, and Nurse Loves Farmer