Yesterday we met Carsyns new rehab doctor. As soon as she walked in I knew she was the perfect choice for us. She was energetic, sweet with Carsyn, and just really down to Earth.
We talked about the Select Dorsal Rhitozomy. She says that she wants to try doing Botox Injections and Phenol Injections together first. So he will get his regular round of Botox in February. Then 4-6 months after that he will be put under general anesthesia for the Botox and Phenol Injections. The Botox Injections are not anymore painful then normal shots but she said the Phenol Injections are more painful.
I was a little disappointed about not having the Select Dorsal Rhitozomy scheduled. I was also relieved though. It is major surgery and a little scary. So I think trying everything else out first would be the best. Then in a year reevaluate and see if she thinks the surgery would be beneficial.
Other then his really tight hamstrings she said he looks great! She also wrote a script for us to look at wheelchairs for him and also a gait trainer. He has had his gait trainer for a little over a year and it just really hasn’t been working out that great. I really hope Insurance will cover the stuff and not give us a really hard time like last time.