Carsyn has his MRI today at 1130. We arrived about 11:15 and they took us back to fill out some paper work and so forth. Then they came in and checked Carsyn’s breathing, pulse, weight, etc. The anesthesiologist came and talked to us about the medicine that Carsyn would get. She was really nice and informative. Answered all the questions we had. Was very reassuring. She seemed genuine. That made the whole process a little easier. Also all the love and support from you all made a HUGE difference. I can’t thank you enough!
After that the hard part came, the IV. They wrapped him up tight and kept one arm out. Well I guess it went in good, but ended up puffing up. They took that out and put a band-aid on. I was doing good till this part. Then I saw all the blood from the place in his hand. I got really hot and had to sit down. I was just so upset and felt so helpless! Carsyn was screaming, I was crying. Thankful Kenny was there to stay beside Carsyn. Next they tried his foot and were able to get that one. Thank goodness.
They were ready for him down in radiology, so they started the medicine. They let me hold him as he fell asleep. This was great and sad at the same time. He kept trying to turn his head to nurse. He took like 5 minutes to fall asleep, with little whimpers and cries. After he was in a deep sleep I laid him down, that was the floppiest I have ever felt him. It was just a weird experience. Since he has high muscle tone, even while sleeping his muscle are normally pretty tight.
{Dustyn giving Carsyn some loving}
They took him down for the MRI, that took about 45 minutes. They said he did great and didn’t move. When they were done they paged us and we went down. He looked so peaceful laying there.
After they gave him some fluids through the IV to kind of flush his system of the sleeping drug, we had to mess with him to try and get him to wake up. I guess it took about 30 minutes to get him to open his eyes. Then we had to keep him up for a complete 15 minutes. During this time she tried to get him to drink some juice from a cup or bottle. He wasn’t having it. After the 15 minutes he was able to nurse. He did great and stayed awake for that.
{Saddest face ever}
Then we took him to the car and left. He slept the whole way home, then I woke him up when we got home and kept him awake hoping he will sleep tonight. He is now sleeping peacefully. It was a rough day for all of us.
{The pictures at home were taken this afternoon, the other ones were taken with my cell phone. Since his muscles were relaxed this afternoon he sat up pretty well}
Thanks mom and dad for watching Dustyn.
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