On Monday, Carsyn had two appointments on Monday. One was endocrinologist and the other was neurologist.
At his first appointment he was weighed at almost 22lbs. That put him at 10th percentile. YAY! I am so happy and so was the doctor. We are moving in the right direction. She was a little concerned. He got taller but that kind of plateaued. We will watch that. She also took some more blood to retest some of the test they took last time. They took 3 viles of blood and Carsyn didn’t even cry. He is my hero!!
We went to lunch and then to the second appointment at the neurologist. This was his first time with them. They asked a bunch of questions and checked him over. They said he seemed to be doing good and what the other neurologist thought was a seizure, he did not think it was. He also agreed with me saying there was no point in doing another EEG if he wasn’t showing any signs or symptoms of seizures. He also started Carsyn on Baclofen. This is suppose to help his high muscle tone. We are starting at a low dose and slowly increasing up. The doctor said that we should start seeing some improvements in about three weeks. We just have to keep a close eye on him and make sure that his muscles don’t get too floppy or that he doesn’t get too sleepy. We have to find just the right dose. So please pray for us as we try and find the right dosing.
They also are setting him up to see a cerebral palsy specialist in three months. He will check and see how Carsyn is doing on the baclofen and to see if he needs Botox. He is also going to look at Carsyn’s history thoroughly and see if he would be a candidate for selective dorsal rhizotomy. So please pray for that too. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.