I made this free printable that fits perfectly in a sandwich bag. This should help your school collect more Box Tops. Talk with the leaders of the parent & teacher organization about printing these and putting them in bags for the students to take home.
Free Printable for Box Tops Collection Bag
The Box Tops and bag are light enough that you can use a couple magnets to hang it up on the fridge. Which makes it easier to remember to collect them if you see the bag on an everyday basis.
Right now Walmart is having an awesome 5-for-1 Box Tops initiative. There are several General Mills products that have 4 extra Box Tops, that means you get 5 total. That is $.50 per item you buy that goes to your school. It helps that they are products I would normally buy. Over the next few weeks, I will make several trips to Walmart so that I can stock up on products I normally buy while raising money for the school at the same time.
For a little treat, I love making these Pillsbury™ Big Deluxe™ Chocolate Chip Cookies. They are super simple and the boys think I am the best mom ever. Dustyn couldn’t wait until I was done taking photos before he grabbed one.
Do you collect Box Tops? How do you help your school raise money?
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