Baby Prestyn has arrived! I can not believe it. It happened so quickly once labor started. I hope to post his birth story soon. Things have just been a little crazy since he has been in the NICU for some breathing issues. I have been updating on how he is doing over on facebook and instagram. Here is a cute little photo I took of him on the one good day before he got all his wires and stuff.
Now that he has arrived I have started thinking back on when Dustyn and Carsyn were babies. All of my babies have sensitive skin. Prestyn even has a little newborn acne/rash on his face right now. I remember them getting diaper rashes and just feeling terrible! I wasn’t sure what to do as a new mom. Then a friend told me about DESITIN® and I started using it right away. It worked well to clear up the rash quickly.
I have stocked up on DESITIN® Rapid Relief Cream so I am prepared for when Prestyn comes home from the NICU. I know the diaper rashes will be coming. Zinc oxide, the active ingredient in DESITIN® Rapid Relief Cream, is a skin protectant. It provides protection by forming a protective barrier on skin, preventing wetness and other irritants from reaching the skin underneath. This helps the diaper rashes clear up quickly.
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