Another one of my little boys went back to school. I can not even believe it. Since Carsyn is three years old he aged out of the Early Intervention program. That means he starts the special preschool, where they will do all of his therapies at school. I will also be getting him extra physical therapy once a week. He will go 4 days a week for 3 hours. So not a lot, but plenty of time to get therapy and socialize with other kids.
Back to School : Preschool Editon
Carsyn did not cry at all when I dropped him off. He was soooo excited. He actually got a little upset when it was time to pick him up. He sure does love all the attention he gets from his teachers. He also loves being around other kids and watching them.
Age: 3 1/4 Years Old
Weight: 30 lbs
Height: 33 inches
What I love: Curious George, my iPad, swinging, touch and feel new surfaces, Mommy, Daddy, Dustyn
Where I love to go: Busch Gardens, Water Country USA, the YMCA, swimming
When I grow up I want to be… a dentist. (Kenny & I joke about this all the time, because he loves to stick his fingers in your mouth and point to all your teeth)
To see Dustyn’s Back to School post go here. I also did a Summer Wrap up post yesterday so make sure you check that out. I have two giveaways that will be ending soon so don’t miss them! Also have you liked my facebook page yet? What would you like to see on my facebook page besides links to my new post. It seems like that is all I post. I want to be more interactive. So I would love your input.