Today we have Meagan from Meagan’s Musings guest posting. I just love her and her blog. She is so sweet, takes amazing photos and has the cutest kids! Thanks so much Meagan for sharing your day with us!!
Hi, I’m Meagan, and I blog over at Meagan’s Musings. I’m a mostly stay at home mom to my two adorable kiddos: Caroline who just turned one, and Andrew, three and a half.
I’m crazy about photography, iced coffee, cloudy days and pretty flowers.
I also love reading day-in-the-life posts. I can so often relate to those little glimpses into others’ everyday lives, and I hope you enjoy this look at our Tuesday.
Today was a little less than typical….we had a fun morning outing, and I went to the office for a few hours in the afternoon.
To kick off the day, breakfast was our usual: peanut butter waffles for Andrew and me, and fruit and puffs and yogurt for the baby. Oh, and the constant, “Andrew, please stay in your seat until you’re finished. We sit on our bottoms. No feet on the table.”
And then – spilled milk.
But no one cried. Whew…
We’ve been planning a trip to our local Children’s Museum for a while. We met my sister and my nephew and had a blast!
All ready to go!
I was worried because we were going during Caroline’s nap time, but she stayed perfectly happy until it was time to leave and Andrew even left without much protesting after I assured him we’d come back another time.
After the museum we made a quick trip to the Chick-fil-a drive-thru while Caroline car napped.
We ate, I put the baby down for a real crib nap and then our favorite babysitter came over, and I headed to the office for a bit.
When I left, Andrew and Hope were watching the Ice Age dinosaur movie for the eleventy-millionth time and eating Scooby fruit snacks. He was a happy camper.
So I work very part-time with my family and love having such flexible hours. I also love that I can wear shorts to the office. 🙂
And have second cups of coffee.
I came back home after a few productive hours at the office ready to make dinner.
Caroline was sad, sad sad. I don’t know why except that it was 5:30 and she seemed to be a little done with this day.
It was only 99 degrees in the shade so Andrew got to play in the backyard before we ate. I love that he’s old enough to play outside by himself without getting in to too much trouble. It’ll be wonderful this fall when it finally cools down a bit.
Dinner was ready and Daddy was home in time to eat! This is a rare treat for us and we were so excited to have him!
Quick after-dinner baths for the kids and then I nursed Caroline and put her to bed. She was so ready to go to sleep. She’s started reaching for her crib when she’s sleepy. It’s amazing. I have to beg and plead with Andrew to get him to sleep. Ha!
I came back downstairs to see Brian introducing Andrew to Underdog.
Seriously – they are so silly!
I cleaned the kitchen while Brian got Andrew to bed and then Brian and I watched a bit of TV together. He’s in school getting his MBA and this is his first week off since Christmas break. We’re enjoying all this downtime. I’m going to be so sad when he goes back next week.
I blogged a bit and answered emails and here it is 11:30 and I’m not in bed yet. Grr…I’m having a hard time with my 11PM bedtime goal.
What a fun fun day it was. Everyone was relatively happy and Brian was home more than usual. And I didn’t do a single load of laundry! I’ll take a carbon copy of this one for tomorrow please. 🙂
Thanks Sarah for letting me share our fun day with your readers!
What is your typical day like?