A Brother is a special gift
Sent from God above
For us to cherish daily
And fill them up with love
In the beauty of a brother
It’s so plain and easy to see
Just how wonderful they make your life
And how they were meant to be
Now what is it that makes a brother
It’s quite difficult to say
Except he is the reason
Why your sun shines everyday
I used my new FREE lightroom preset on all of these photos.
Good news: we are going TODAY to pick up Carsyn’s Stroller and Stander. I am so excited!! I can not wait to cruise him around in his stroller instead of carrying him all the time or trying to prop him up in a regular stroller. Bad news: Dustyn has been a little sick with a fever the past few days. BLAH! Oh and we may be getting hit by a big hurricane this weekend. Joy! Not!