I didn’t do these with Dustyn and Carsyn, so I am looking forward to doing weekly updates. Starting with 7 Week Bumpdate. Hopefully I can keep up with them throughout this pregnancy.
7 Week Bumpdate
How far along:
7 Weeks
How big is the baby:
Total weight gain:
None Yet.
Maternity Clothes:
Yes & No. My regular clothes fit but maternity jeans are much more comfortable.
Been pretty good besides this bout of strep throat.
Best moment of the week:
Seeing our baby bean on the ultrasound. We were expecting the worse but hoping for the best. You can read more about that in my post Be Happy.
Food cravings:
Fruits, lots and lots of them. Hamburgers, which I did not want to eat when I was pregnant with the boys.
Food aversions:
Food I cook. Sounds strange but if I stand there and cook it I usually do not want to eat it.
Very tired and kind of crampy all over. Plenty of face acne.
Don’t know yet.
What I’m looking forward to:
Getting some energy back soon
What I miss:
Riding roller coasters.
Next Appointment:
April 29th for my official first OB appointment. For the blood work and other fun stuff.
Thanks Robyn for this awesome prayer quilt. I plan to use it for all my photos this pregnancy and when our baby arrives.