… brings a week of content. Yesterday was Kenny’s birthday and it was GORGEOUS outside. We spent a lot of the day outside with family and the boys loved it so much. It was nice to have a warm day after so many cold ones lately. I am so looking forward to Spring.
Prestyn is growing so quickly, he is wearing 2T clothes now. He says woof, woof anytime he sees a dog. He says, hey, hello and hi to everyone he sees. He is learning new words almost every day. He loves eating blueberries, bananas, and veggie straws right now.
Carsyn is doing really good overall. He has stayed healthy this winter again, knock on wood. He loves going to afterschool camp. I think he is finally putting on some weight. I was getting worried there for awhile.
Dustyn is doing amazing in 3rd grade. He has AB honor roll again this 9 weeks, and he loves his teacher. I think he is going to do amazing for his first year of End of Grade testing. He used to be pretty timid about trying new things, but he is getting more brave, I am so proud of him.
What did you do this weekend?